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Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" earned $159 million in 5 day; $79 million this weekend

Posted/Original/Published By: via Hollywood

Warner Bros. “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” takes the weekend with $79,475,000 and a five-day total of $159,662,000.

It all started last week with a stunning and record-breaking $22.2 million in midnight showings that culminated in a total of $58,175,412 million on Wednesday. Thursday's gross was $22 million and then the weekend began with a Friday gross of $26.8, a 9% increase on Saturday to $29.2 million and an expected Sunday gross of $23.4 million. Thus a total of $79,475,000 was made for the three-day portion alone and a whopping and franchise topping five-day total of $159,662,000.

Be sure to click on "Harry Potter Franchise" button at left to get all relevant "Potter" stats...

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is an amazing film that I reviewed several weeks ago and I am pleased to reprint my review below.

At a special screening this morning I had the privilege to see Warner Bros. “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and I was blown away like a Quidditch player on a supercharged broomstick. Not only that, half-way through I’m thinking the unthinkable - “ten academy awards nominations are available this year, hmm I wonder….” Hey, the “Lord of the Rings” movies were nominated three years running and I rank this right up there with those incredible films. Now I know people are going to give me crap about this, but please hold your judgment until you see the film yourself and then come back and point your stubby little Hobbit fingers at me if you don’t agree.

Lest you think this movie was preaching to the converted or that I am some sort of huge “Potter” aficionado, I will be honest and say that heretofore I was not a huge fan of the franchise; certainly I understood the popularity of the books and the films, but they just were not my cup of tea. Well stand back because now the Potter loving beast in me has been unleashed after having witnessed a film that was not only exquisite in its production values, but was also charming, funny, scary, enchanting, moving (stop me, the adjectives could go on and on) and dare I say, sexy. Brilliantly directed by David Yates (he directed 2007’s “Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix”), “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is a tour-de-force that combines style and substance, special effects and heart and most importantly great performances from all of the actors young and not-so-young.

Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe has evolved into a really fine young actor who gives the film its emotional core. However, if Radcliffe is the heart, Michael Gambon is the film’s soul as Albus Dumbledore; Gambon gives a powerfully subtle performance as the de-facto father figure to young Mr. Potter. Of course, the always great Alan Rickman gives another menacingly creepy and memorable turn as the evil and duplicitous Severus Snape. The cinematography, music, set design and costumes are all amazing and the film has a truly rich look to it reminiscent of the best of the old-school Hollywood epics.

There are two more Potter films (both directed by Yates) with “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1” set for 2010 and “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2” set for 2011.

I, for one, cannot wait to see what wicked adventures this way come for Mr. Harry Potter.