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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

National Inquirer: Casey Anthony is PREGNANT??!

America’s most infa­mous mom dropped that bombshell on inmate pals while on trial for the brutal slaying of her adorable 2-year-old daugh­ter Caylee.

In an incredible new twist in the case that has gripped America, in­siders at Orlando’s Orange County Jail say the hard-partying 25-year-old is saying she’s having a baby, in the belief that that may save her from the death penalty.

What’s more, twisted Casey claims a new child will help heal the hole left in her heart by Caylee’s death.

“The creepy thing is how Casey wants another sweet little girl to make up for dear Caylee,” says a prison insider. “She’s making a big deal about being a few weeks pregnant, but only among a few people close to her in the jailhouse.

“She still isn’t show­ing, but she says the pregnancy is in the very early stages and is hoping to start showing soon so the people in the courtroom will notice.

“Months ago, Casey told her jail­house friends that she wanted to get pregnant – and recently said she missed her period. Then she said she was starting to get feelings in her body that reminded her of when she was in the early stages of carrying Caylee. Soon after missing her period, Casey started getting sick – throwing up in the morning. She said that all this convinced her she was pregnant.”

While it wasn’t easy, Casey told pals she found opportunities to have sex behind bars, say sources.

There’s also another chilling pos­sibility.

“Casey could be lying about being pregnant just to get atten­tion,” explained the insider. “It is her nature, and her motive would be to play an emotional card with the jury, which might feel sorry enough not to

“Her few confidants inside the prison don’t know what to make of her incred­ible claim.,” observed the insider.

“Is it another Casey fantasy or is it true? Only time will tell.”

Casey’s behavior led to a surprise two-day hearing on June 25 and 26 to determine if she was compe­tent enough for the trial to continue.

C o u r t - o r d e r e d psychologists who examined her con­cluded she was.

And with the case in the hands of the jurors, the fate of Casey rests on their interpretation of emotional witnesses coupled with circumstantial evidence to render a verdict.

Source: National Inquirer